Wednesday, June 1, 2011

havanna cafe-- only person drinking a smoothie in this "cold" weather

So I guess I could start this post with a funny little anecdote like I did the other ones but honestly I can't chose which one. It could be the story about me missing my bus stop, or the one about the mystery meat (or maybe it's fish?) that i get every night but actually tastes good,  or about the four trips i had to make to get my cell phone to start working. But I think I'll just start off by saying I tried the ice cream. Yes the world famous ice cream, and now I understand why. it is a god send. IT IS SENT FROM GOD. The ice cream is the product of an angels love in a creamy, delectable, edible, form. I tried white chocolate yesterday and plan on concurring every flavor on the menu. if i gain weight it was well worth it. I dont know what exactly makes the ice cream so good all i know is its unlike anything I've had. 

Anyways, before I start sounding even more weird I"ll talk about some things i've accomplished:
(1) El subte (aka metro):  I have that thing pretty much down pat, and yes it is only a straight line but I'm proud. Thank god i understand it. its what i take to school everyday. It's about an hour commute to school everyday which means i leave my apartment around 745 to get there in time for classes at 9.
I usually meet a friend lincoln who lives a block and a half away from me and we walk there change subte lines twice and then have a 6ish block walk to school. Its not bad, but then again it isnt that cold yet. I go to school at UBA (universidad de buenos aires) in the philosophy and letras branch of the school. The building is pretty run down and there are political signs everywehere but I like that it is so different than what I'm used to. I have castellano and history in the morning with a half hour break in between and then lunch for an hour and then lit. They definitely arent the most entertaining classes of my life and I'm not always sure whats going on but it's worth the credit.

(2) I got asked by a lady for directions today and I was able to answer. (I hope I was right) maybe its not that big of a deal but i felt super accomplished.

things i need to accomplish:
(1) el collective (aka the bus system)---realllllly struggling with that one
(2) learn spanish--a minor detail really.

At the moment I'm sitting in a very crowded cafe writing this and indulging in facebook. I had class today and later some friends and I are going to go get some dinner. we're not sure where but we have a meeting spot that we all know how to get to so I can't complain.

Also, let me just say I've met some awesome people on this trip which makes it so much better. 

sorry this wasnt the most entertaining blog post but I figure it'll just serve as a reminder that I'm alive.

ending note: its funny because things that are simple, like buying a folder or finding a seat in a cafe, aren't so simple here. And even the chores and obligations I have don't feel like work.

and also, Uruguay this weekend!


  1. you make me so happy :) i'm so proud of you. it took me like 8 weeks to figure out the BA subte and figure out the quickest route to heather's apartment from retiro. plus retiro scared the bejesus out of me for like a month..actually the whole time i was there...anywhooo you make me happy and have an awesome time in Uruguay! tell me how the supposedly beautiful infamous Colonia was the crappiest weather day of the year when i was there...and enjoy the tango show on the ferry :) love you!

  2. I AM SO JEALOUS. i want that ice cream. also i want to see pictures. anddd i want your life. i also want steph to stop beating me in writing comments. and also i want you to know that i read these aloud to bill and we both lol. so, thats nice.

    ALSO YOU ARE GOING TO URUGUAY?!!!! Y U NO TELL ME! i want to see tango shows. and drink smooties at graffiti foreign cafes while listening to spanish and eating the worlds greatest ice cream. im actually starting to resent you i think.

    you should also know ive gone to text you at least 20 times this week. call me!
