Sunday, May 29, 2011


so I´ll skip all of the other stuff becasue its going to come off really boring and I´m not completely sure I want to type that much... But lets just start off with my latest realization...So i know America is known for supersizing everything and over indulging, and i get that, i do. But I´ve come to realize that not only is the food supersized in U.S. but so are the people. and no, this is not a rant about obesity.. I¨m talking about myself. I am ungodly tall compared to this place.
I can honestly say that my host mom´s first conversation with me was ¨I´m so glad you found tall are you??¨ I like my height but I´m not sure my knees and elbows can take much more of this constant beating. I´ve finally mastered getting around my room without knocking over things on the shelves but don´t even get me started on the shower. Anthing with in a elbows reach (aka everything in the shower) has no chance of survivng. Not even the shower curtain itself. Not to mention when i get out of the shower i cant help but bang my knees into the sink and my shins into the toliet as i dry off. I¨m an amazon giant but if that means i wont get robbed so be it.

I was the last day of oreintation, after a few hours and a coffee break of info about blah blah insurance blah blah robberay blah blah blah.. it was over and me and 7 other people went to a barrio named recoleta and found an awesome market where i want to buy everything and we also went to the cemetary that the town is known for. THere are thousands of bodies there with seriously the most insanely pimped out tombs i´ve ever seen. someone should film a zombie movie there. Next we got some lunch where i had my first empanada and then headed to my hood... My neighborhood is known for its nightlife and although it was 6 we decided to head over there and see what it was like.... we ended up finding this really cool bar that had stencil and grafitti on EVErYTHING it was awesome. we were the otnly ones in there and the bartender told us to go upstairs because there was a small exhibition from this artist.. So we went upstairs and saw some pretty cool art... but the best part was that we found the pathway to the roof where there was an old deserted bar with the same grafitti style itself. It would be cooler if i could put pictures on here but i think the coolest part was how unexpected that whole experience was. I definitely want to go back again with my camera.. and its really close so that pretty convienient. Next I came home and elda perpared me a lovely omelette and toast. Nothing like breakfast for dinner.

Tomorrow I have to get myself to some office but lucily i´m going with some girls who live close. Once again, we´ll see how this goes.

also cali, my head doesnt hurt that bad... except I don´t know if you can tell by the poor grammar in this blog but by the end of the day both languages give me a hard time. then again i have a speech impediment so what else is knew....

pues, chauuuuuuuu

^^por steph

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Made it! 5-28-11

First off, whoever reads this (if anyone) feel free to fully judge me for blogging. I typically judge anyone who thinks people really want to hear their opinions, especially those that they only express when they are safe behind the comfort of their computer screen. This is not because I want people to know all about my amazing adventure in Argentina but I guess it´ll serve more as a way for me to document my time here, because as many of you know (and by many I mean the one person who will read this) I´m not a diary kind of girl. Sue me.
So where to begin....I´ve been here for two days. I flew from columbus to north carolina then north carolina to miami. In the flight from nc to miami I sat next to two girls names Marcia and Tatiana, we talked about a lot of things but mainly about relationships and they gave me their ideas of what kind of fun I should have in Argentina while calling me names like ¨baby¨and ¨sweetiepie¨ joke.Also, Ace hood was on my flight, aka the rapper who sings Born and OG with Luda. He is huge. When i got to Miami I was the first person at the terminal for the group flight, which was fine but boring considering I had a five hour layover. Eventually around 40 people showed up and the small talk began. But it wasn´t usual annoying small talk, but normal talk where we all know we share a major common interest and we´re all equally excited and in some cases nervous. The flight was fine, I slept descent considering I was sitting completely upright. We got to Argentina at approx 6 in the morning and from there went straight through customs and each got hustled into our own individual taxi. The taxista was to take me to my house, there was just one problem.. the adress I was given literally did not exist.  He gave me a look of confusion and I´m pretty sure I just gave him a look of complete panic. Seeing my face he asked if htere was a number I could call. I had one but myhost mom, Elda, didn´t answer. We eventually called some lady who figured it out and Elda came and met me on the street. I was nervous about the first impression to being with but he gave me a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek so I was instantly at ease... at least until I actually had to speak to her.
That was a whole different thing in itself. Argentinians are known for their really thick accents and let me tell you, Elda fits the stereotype perfectamente. She doesn´t know a word of english and can speak faster than I can type, read, or run.....that was a joke, everyone knows I dont run fast. (I´m not sure humor translates over blog)... Well she showed me around the house and I showered then we ate lunch together. This is the first time we bonded. She told me about her family, two sons,  two grandsons, and she is divorciada. But her ex and her have a good relationship. Then she took me in her car to the first part of orientation, the welcoming dinner. I would comment more on that and the second day of orientation but i just got way too tired and have already lost interest in my own blog. I¨ll have more time tomorrow to write a bout (a) orientation dinner and Elda´s car getting towed (b) how I´m a giant compared to everyone else (c) my impromtu tango performance today... It´s been a long but fun day and tomorrow I have to find me way to a newish place using a bus. I´m starting to wonder if it´s worth the extra hour of walking distance rather than getting lost for an hour... probs nahh...

well that´s all for now... umm hasta manana?

wow i feel cheesy.